
Friday, December 31, 2004

cheers to 2005 
thought i should say something for the last day, last night, last post of 2004. happy new year.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

song lyrics for the day 
for some reason, i was very much wanting to hear this song last night. i never did. but now i know that Lola is by the Kinks.*
She walked up to me and she asked me to dance
I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said Lola
El-oh-el-aye Lola la-la-la-la Lola

Well I'm not the world's most physical guy
But when she squeezed me tight she nearly broke my spine
Oh my Lola la-la-la-la Lola
Well I'm not dumb but I can't understand
Why she walked like a woman and talked like a man
Oh my Lola la-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola
*Kerri won $20 on this. not from me.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

game fifteen: 20-7 
oh well. 13-2.

'The Eagles hold a seven-game lead over the Cowboys (6-9), and an eight-game lead over the Giants and Redskins who are both 5-10. No team in NFL history has ever finished the season with a bigger lead.'

Monday, December 27, 2004

queen is back 
kinda. queen is making a comeback with Paul Rodgers (of bad company) as their lead singer. i'm not sure about this. freddy mercury is impossible to replace. but, yes, i would go see them. it is, after all, my third favorite band.* [via]

* for those of you who are interested, queen is third on my list of favorite bands, after the doors and the eagles.

IQ = 129 
[quiz] i took this tickle IQ test and it said my IQ was 129. is that good? i think so, based on this:
Your Intellectual Type is Facts Curator. This means you are highly intelligent and have picked up an impressive and unique collection of facts and figures over the years. You've got a remarkable vocabulary and exceptional math skills — which puts you in the same class as brainiacs like Bill Gates. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.
UPDATE: i thought this seemed familiar. i did take this test before. i guess i got a wee bit dumber.


i make no resolutions 
now that christmas is over, i guess it is time to wish everyone a happy new year. it's cold here. and we had snow. that's cool.

many thanks to everyone who made our christmas so very special [see photos here].

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

game fourteen: 12-7 
i'm slacking, due to computer problems. but we're now 13-1! best wishes, TO, we need you.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

the world's gone crazy 
Time Magazine names President Bush 'Person of the Year'.

crazy. other 'notoriously unpopular' selections: Adolf Hitler in 1938 and Joseph Stalin in 1939 and 1942.

student grades 
i am a bit confused and somewhat surprised that all three of my classes did really great this semester. i know it was due to the addition of the pass/fail learning exercises. i mean, the students all did VERY well this semester. i wonder how taht looks? i wonder what i should change for the spring semester's five classes?

Friday, December 17, 2004

love classic rock 
a local radio station, the fox, has had a coundown this week: the 500 Greatest Classic Rock songs of all time. it was the response to Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest songs of all time. here's what HR voted as the 'greatest:"
25 Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd
24 Candle In The Wind - Elton John
23 Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
22 Imagine - John Lennon
21 More Than A Feeling - Boston
20 Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
19 Pinball Wizard - The Who
18 Take It Easy - Eagles
17 Dream On - Aerosmith
16 Levon - Elton John
15 A Day In The Life - Beatles
14 Born To Run - Bruce Springsteen
13 Turn The Page - Bob Seger
12 Fly Like An Eagle - Steve Miller
11 Rock And Roll - Led Zeppelin
10 Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd
9 Life In The Fast Lane - Eagles
8 Black Dog - Led Zeppelin
7 Night Moves - Bob Seger
6 Strawberry Fields Forever - Beatles
5 Jumpin' Jack Flash - Rolling Stones
4 Hotel California - Eagles
3 Sweet Emotion - Aerosmith
2 Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd
1 Stairway To Heaven - Led Zeppelin
except for number one, it was pretty exciting. i like the song, but it would have been nice to be shocked for a change. the placement of #5 and #3 shocked a little.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

health news 
what makes women happy?
The most enjoyable activities included: sex or intimate relations, socializing, relaxing, praying or meditating, eating, exercising, and watching TV. The least enjoyable activity was commuting, followed by working and doing housework.
Interactions with friends were rated as most enjoyable, notably more enjoyable than interactions with relatives, spouses, or children.
Although children are frequently cited as the greatest source of joy in people's lives, researchers say taking care of children isn't always enjoyable.
in related news: Skimping on sleep may make you more vulnerable to obesity.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

game thirteen: 17-14  
in celebrating this victory over the redskins, i am linking to philadelphia eagles kids.

i just realized something 
everyone in my family has a different last name. is this normal? i need to think about this a little bit longer...

Friday, December 10, 2004

is this for real? 
Pregnant women who take slimming pills are more likely to have gay children
The discovery, to be published by researchers in America, backs claims that human sexuality is determined by genetic and biochemical factors at work during early pregnancy.
via OTB

Thursday, December 09, 2004

someone found this site by searching for 'jessica akers.' can you imagine?

Monday, December 06, 2004

i'm wondering how long i can get away with that 'howie' comment.

update five minutes later: i just saw that he already caught me!

you see what you want to see 
Do You See Jesus In The X-Ray? (thanks howie!)

courtesy of GMA 
this ghost is for sale on ebay. the current bid is at $5,600. there is a somewhat-mushy story involved, if you care to read it. but look at the scams that have come out of this. the bid on this one is up to $15,099. i don't find it surprising that someone would try to make money this way, i find it surprising that people actually bid.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

game twelve: mu ha ha ha* 

this is great. i guess i was wrong when i thought favre was on fire lately. 11-1!

* i have no idea how to spell this but i hope i'm laughing all the way to the superbowl.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

fifteen years later 
the U.S. Sentencing Commission released Fifteen Years of Guidelines Sentencing: An Assessment of How Well the Federal Criminal Justice System Is Achieving the Goals of Sentencing Reform. the guidelines were designed in 1987 to make sentencing more fair. guess what they found after 15 years?

'The number of blacks imprisoned has increased sharply and they receive harsher sentences than white prisoners.'


so long 
i'm gonna miss reading this guy everyday.

you made it down here?

what? you want a reward?

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