
Saturday, March 31, 2007

i'm not a comic fan 
but this strip is cute.

the latest Piled Higher and Deeper.

this makes a lot of sense 
150 graduates of Regent University are serving in the Bush Administration [via j].

Thursday, March 29, 2007

so i am smarter than a fifth-grader 
you know that commercial, "head on, apply directly to the forehead, head on, apply directly to the forehead, head on, apply directly to the forehead..." and then it goes, "head on, i hate your commercial, but i love your product."

you know it. i see it all the time. well, this is kinda like that, only i hate the product.

it goes like this: "what are you waiting for?... go to computertraining.com and take the online skills challenge ..."

i am so sick of hearing that. i've been told to so many times that i had to take the stupid test.
not surprisingly, i got a perfect score.

this is hilarious 
very funny prank:

John McCain ‘Endorses’ Gay Marriage on MySpace

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

why won't you love me? 
first i heard this, and now this.

update 03/28: and now this: Duchovny almost done negotiating X-Files 2 movie
'According to IESB, Duchovny had mentioned the possibility of a second X-Files movie in 2005; instead of an alien conspiracy plot, though, Scully and Mulder would be engaged in a "standalone supernatural horror film," as IGN reported back then. That's probably a good idea, since the series ended five years ago. Continuing the conspiracy storyline would feel like they were beating the pile of dog food that the dead horse was made into. Though I wouldn't mind seeing a glimpse of the Cigarette Smoking Man again...'
i second that about the CSM. there is, of course, potential that i could love a second x-files movie. assuming that anderson and duchovny still have the same chemistry. but it would be difficult for them to pick up on a storyline that has been lost for so long.

it's been a while since i have given this great old show any thought. but i had had this thought before. Maude would have no place on network TV today. she wasn't even sexy.

she was also a three-time divorcee sharing her home with her fourth husband, her divorced daughter, and her grandson. and, at 47, she had that abortion.

i'm happy this show made it to DVD.


Monday, March 26, 2007

my fave color is purple, but i don't agree with the result 
Are You An Optimist or Pessimist?: You Are an Optimist

You definitely see the sunny side of life, even when things aren't going so great.
And while you may not be a realist, your optimism has really improved your quality of life. You have the energy to take charge, solve your problems, and enjoy life for what it is. Optimists are happier and healthier - so keep thinking positive!

Are You a Nonconformist?: You Are 59% Non Conformist

You definitely have your freak flag out, and from time to time, you wave it.
You have some pretty strong opinions, and you're not afraid to express them.

Do You Worry Too Much?: Your Worry Factor is 43%

While you're not a worrywart, you worry more than you should.
Maybe you don't have enough to keep your mind occupied at times...
Or perhaps you've trapped yourself into some bad thinking patterns.
Try to worry less and enjoy life more. There's no point thinking about things you can't change!

What Color Is Your Brain?: Your Brain is Purple

Of all the brain types, yours is the most idealistic. You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense. Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries.
You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself.


here's stuff 
babies for sale. real cheap. $500.

Incarcerating youth as adults does not reduce crime and disproportionately impacts youth of color; New campaign calls on Congress to ban use of adult jails for youth under 18.

related: Virginia Amends Juvenile Transfer Law. this law makes it [a bit] harder to transfer juveniles under the 'once an adult, always an adult' law.


more on boston legal 
this looks interesting. i'm excited:

Old Shatner to appear with young Shatner on Boston Legal

William Shatner, who celebrated his 76th birthday last week ... appeared in an episode of the anthology series Studio One titled "The Defenders" [in 1957].

Tthe producers of Boston Legal are planning to use footage from Shatner's Studio One appearance in the April 3rd episode ... Shatner's character, Denny Crane, will be taken hostage by a man who holds a grudge against him stemming from a 50-year-old court case. That means that the 76-year-old Shatner will be paired with the 26-year-old Shatner throughout the show.

Friday, March 23, 2007

this week's LOTW 
is a list of TV Show Spin-Offs That Sucked. i agree with some shows on this list. there are quite a few, though, that i have never even heard of. i guess they really were bombs.

Labels: ,

talkleft reports on the DEA's great week. click to see what $205 million and 42,845 pounds of cocaine looks like.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

then why are they building so many new condos? 
For the fourth year in a row, the Census Bureau says, Norfolk is shrinking. Virginia Beach, too - for the second year in a row.

some of the findings:

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

tainted pet food 
there's a recall on over 40 brands of pet food as it has been linked with kidney failure.

oh no. my kitty's food is on the list.

update: no, my kitty is safe. no dry food is affected. but you should all check it out.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

sponge for hire 

apparently, all these years later, SpongeBob may be a ripoff.

read the story here.

i like this quote 
Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.: "My definition of a free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular."


Sunday, March 11, 2007

well hell 
spring break is over.

i was sick for most of the time and did a bunch of nothing, aside from reading a book yesterday and taking a nice long walk today. pooey. i did, however, buy new tires for my car. [you do not want to know the condition they were in.]

just say.. yes 
Ronnie and Nancy hooked on heroin.

this video, edited to be a pro-drug promo, is hilarious.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

this is an outrage 
growing up, i was addicted to Nick at Nite. i got to see great shows i missed, such as Donna Reed and Mary Tyler Moore. Over the years, the lineup for Nick changed a bit, but I was okay with the additions of shows like The Jeffersons, Taxi, and Cheers.

but now, oh no. the news is ridiculous:
Home Improvement, George Lopez and America's Funniest Home Videos added to Nick at Nite.
so much for classic tv. George Lopez is still on!


always good news 
'The murder rate jumped by more than 10 percent among dozens of large U.S. cities since 2004, a study shows in the latest sign of the end of a national lull in violent crime.'


the toyger 

i saw these yesterday on GMA.

i want one, of course.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

How Rare Is Your Personality?: Your Personality is Somewhat Rare

Your personality type is playful, charming, open minded, and energetic.

Only about 7% of all people have your personality, including 9% of all women and 5% of all men. You are Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving.


prosecutors changed the facts from day to day and case to case 
this is nuts. or should i say, this is texas:
Person A and Person B enter a deli in downtown Houston with intent to rob.
Person A shoots the clerk. Gets a death sentence. Is executed.

Person B is put on trial six months after person A. A death sentence is legally sought for Person B, based on Texas’ “triggerman” law, which allows accomplices to get the death penalty even if they were not the one who pulled the trigger.

The jury finds Person B guilty, but deadlocks on the sentencing. Mistrial declared. Prosecutor interviews some of the jurors at a local bar. They say they couldn’t go for death because Person B was not the shooter.

Based on this information, prosecutor retries the sentencing portion of the case, but this time argues that it was Person B and Person B alone who shot the victim.
Person B is scheduled for execution tomorrow.
read the details for this one. it's crazy that the state can deliberately mislead the jury by claiming two people fired the same bullet. and then execute them both.


Monday, March 05, 2007

three fave breakfast foods 


and this is not the first time the teens encouraged the kids to smoke pot 
i'm not usually for harsh punishments for those convicted of marijuana offenses, but this one is an exception:

Police in suburban Fort Worth, Texas, said a videotape found in a search for stolen goods appears to show two teenagers persuading a 2-year-old boy and his 5-year-old brother to smoke marijuana.


Friday, March 02, 2007

sex offender license plates 
Convicted sex offenders in Ohio may be soon be forced to drive cars with a special license plate denoting their offense.... Offenders would face a criminal charge if they are caught without the plate, and enablers who loan vehicles to known offenders would face criminal charges, too.

This is just another shaming punishment and one that will have no effect on the number of sex offenses.
i agree here. sick sex offenders will still commit their crimes, not fear this new punishment. and what about other citizens who may be happy to maim or kill these sex offenders, now that they are pointed out for the world to see? do we also need plates for those convicted of murder? corporate executives who endanger the public? oh, i can see a future rush on the part of republicans to call out those convicted of marijuana possession.


DST has been changed, remember 
i do say that i doubt anyone can give a good answer as to why we observe daylight savings time. i know it's about energy conservation and all that. but the specifics of how it really works, when no other country does it, is beyond me. i do depend on the electronics in my home to tell me when it comes around and since it's been changed this year, if you are like me, you need to pay attention.

you made it down here?

what? you want a reward?