
Sunday, October 30, 2005

they deserve to lose 
i think someone forgot to tell both the redskins and the eagles that it was sunday and they are supposed to play football.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

bad week for bush 
conservatives in the president's own party hounded him into withdrawing Harriet Miers' Supreme Court nomination; the U.S. death toll in Iraq surpassed 2,000; and Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff was indicted by a federal grand jury.

look at this washington post article that says 'the Bush administration becomes a textbook example of what can go wrong in a second term.'

five things for friday saturday 
this comes from the friday five, but it's an old one.

1. What food do you like that most people hate?
    Green Beans
2. What food do you hate that most people love?
3. What famous person, whom many people may find attractive, is most unappealing to you?
    Nicole Kidman, or Gweneth Paltrow
4. What famous person, whom many people may find unappealing, do you find attractive?
    Ryan Styles
5. What popular trend baffles you?
    just about all of them...

Halloween trivia 
* "Phasmophobia" is the fear of ghosts.

* A cup of candy corn has fewer calories than a cup of raisins.

* The first jack-o'-lanterns were made of turnips.

* "Samhainophobia" is the morbid fear of Halloween.

* Halloween is the biggest holiday of the year when it comes to candy sales—estimated at $1.93 billion. One quarter of all the candy sold each year is purchased between September 15 and November 10.

* The largest pumpkin ever grown weighed 1,469 pounds. It was
weighed in on October 1, 2005 at the Pennsylvania Giant Pumpkin
Growers Weigh-Off.

* The Scots believed in "Samhanach," a goblin who came out only on
Halloween and stole children.

* Halloween costume sales are estimated at $1.5 billion.

* Eighty percent of kids say their favorite Halloween candy is
either chocolate or gum.

* Pumpkins are fruits, not vegetables.

* Fifty-one percent of all American adults believe in ghosts.

* The average U.S. household spends $44 on Halloween candy. [via]

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Miers withdraws nomination 

update: and there's indictments!

blacks in baseball 
i didn't realize this [because i don't watch baseball], but there are not as many blacks in baseball as previous years. according to this article:
The Astros are the first World Series team in more than a half-century with a roster that doesn't include a single black player.

"But they're not the only ones. There are two or three teams that didn't have any African-American players this year."
hmm... supposedly it's because blacks are going into other sports. i'm not sure i buy that argument.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

since i somehow lost this post from yesterday: just look at the NFC East.

bush is coming to norfolk on friday to speak about terrorism. i'm so excited.

this chic is mad.

this guy's saving all of his receipts and sharing them with the world. how strange.

RIP Rosa Parks.

Condoleezza Rice 
the washington post has an opinion article today that asks how condi rice can 'work so loyally for George W. Bush, whose approval rating among blacks was measured in a recent poll at a negligible 2 percent? How did she come to a worldview so radically different from that of most black Americans? Is she blind, is she in denial, is she confused -- or what?'

the answer here is that she was so protected by her parents as a child that though she can see what is going on in the world, she is unable to feel and understand it. interesting.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

speaking of christmas 
i got 'the most important gift catalog in the world' in the mail. i wonder what the family would say if i got them a llama or a water buffalo for christmas.

make your own police sketch 

here. we'll see this woman on the news soon for killing her kids.

Friday, October 21, 2005

christmas is coming... 
and the family will start asking questions. i want to remind you all that we have a wishlist at amazon. pay special attention to the john saul novel and the hoopla game. the earrings shown are nice, but i just want some in general. [i threw away all my jewelry.] and candles are always nice. there's a bunch of dolls and stuff listed that little missy wants.

crime in Norfolk 
i said, just recently, that i thought there were more murders this year locally. today's paper confirms it. there have been 50 homicides so far this year in Norfolk. this is compared to 35 in 2004.


Thursday, October 20, 2005

hurricane wilma 
the most powerful storm ever, has broken a few records, including these two:

  • It is the first “W” hurricane on record.
  • With Wilma, 2005 has tied the record for the most hurricanes in one season: 12.

    but i don't understand how we have had twelve hurricanes in one season before and not reached the letter w. does this mean that we once had a hurricane that started with q?

  • Wednesday, October 19, 2005

    i found a 10 ft. snake in my toilet 
    OMG. i've always had this fear.

    update: from the same site, i found this turtle who is 175 years old and may be the oldest creature on earth. a much better pic to post than the one of the boa constrictor.

    jessica needs 
    i saw this somewhere. it's a meme to do a google search with your name and the word needs. for instance, i entered "jessica needs"

    1. to keep her mouth shut sometimes
    2. Cash
    3. a bit of time off by herself to process things
    4. an adoptive family that is very structured
    5. some coaching
    6. to keep her effin hands off my boy

    if this is what the internet thinks i need, then i'm all for it. try it, it's fun.

    Monday, October 17, 2005

    more crime stats: murder and marijuana 
    the FBI reported today that the murder rate is at lowest level in 40 years. actually crime is down in all major categories except rape.

    i would be curious to know about the murder rate locally, here in hampton roads. it seems that we've had more this summer than ever before. [aside from the fact that this new UCR is 2004 data.]

    also, i had started writing about this when i read talkleft's post.
    Marijuana arrests set a new record in 2004, totaling 771,605. Eighty-nine percent of these arrests were for marijuana possession, not sale or manufacture. In contrast, arrests for all violent crimes combined totaled 590,258—a decline from 2003.
    i think it's scary that there's more arrests for marijuana possession than for violent crime. what are our priorities, exactly? it's important to remember that the UCR reports arrest data, crimes that are known to the police. police behavior. it doesn't necessarily mean that crime isn't happening.


    Sunday, October 16, 2005

    free association #20 
    On the verge:: of losing my sanity
    Tempestuous:: angry
    Coherent:: and sane
    Near death:: experience
    Illiterate:: as in, not literate
    Why not?:: just do it
    Period:: the end
    Long lost:: relative
    Torrid:: affair
    Nail:: uh, fungus*

    * we are not going to speak of this.


    entertainment news 
    is quite entertaining.

    Daniel Craig Named Next 007 - this is evidence that the world no longer cares about James Bond.

    Remains of Star Trek's 'Scotty' Headed for Space - he's going up with Gene Roddenberry. but get this:
    Fans can post tributes to Doohan at the Space Services Web site (http://www.spaceservicesinc.com). Those messages will be digitized, packed with "Scotty" and blasted into space.
    Mary-Kate Olsen Leaving NYU - she's worth $150 million and can't do college.

    Saturday, October 15, 2005

    three words 
    i like and don't use nearly enough: paroxysm, psychopharmacological, and concatenation.

    my favorite words.


    Friday, October 14, 2005

    public enemy number one 
    Marijuana Compound Spurs Brain Cell Growth
    When it comes to the controversy surrounding medical marijuana, an international team of researchers is busy stirring the pot by releasing findings that suggest the drug helps promote brain cell growth while treating mood disorders.

    This mood boost seems to be the result of the drug's ability to promote the growth of new brain cells, something no other addictive drug appears able to do, the researchers say.
    this is a far cry from the 'reefer madness' of the 30s.

    Thursday, October 13, 2005

    for my TM-happy friend 
    this is a neat little article i thought you might enjoy: Power Texting Tips

    16 children! 
    this is crazy: Michelle Duggar just delivered her 16th child, and she's already thinking about doing it again.

    that's pressure to come up with 16 names. and all the kid's names start with j. crazy.

    gubernatorial race in VA 
    Republican Jerry Kilgore’s campaign created and paid for the ad that says that candidate Timothy Kaine was so against the death penalty that he wouldn't execute Adolf Hitler. Kaine says it's 'outrageous.'
    Kilgore repeatedly has accused Kaine, a Democrat, of wanting to halt executions in Virginia. Kaine says he is morally opposed to capital punishment because of his Catholic faith, but he has promised to abide by state laws that prescribe executions for heinous murders.
    57% of whose in voted in the pilotonline poll say that Kilgore's ad is not fair.

    for those of you who do not live here in virginia, the ads between these two have been a riot.


    Tuesday, October 11, 2005

    a woman as president 
    Commander In Chief, the new show on ABC is on tonight so i am thinking about the idea of a female president. [i watched the premiere episode, missed it last week.] i like the show and like the idea of portraying a female president. but this shocked me:
    Overwhelming majorities of Americans feel comfortable with a woman President of the United States, (79%), Vice President (84%), and as a Supreme Court Chief Justice (90%), according to a poll conducted by Roper Public Affairs commissioned by The White House Project, a national non-partisan organization created to advance women's leadership across sectors, including the U.S. presidency. The growing support for women’s leadership at the highest level is expressed especially in the poll through a finding that a majority of Americans feel men and women are equally suited to handling today’s complex issues of foreign policy, homeland security, and the economy.
    i think someone was lying. i can't believe that we would really have a female president anytime soon. much to my dismay.

    i asked my sociology classes last semester if they thought we would have a female president or a black president first. the majority of students said a black president. what do you think?

    in time for halloween 
    [quiz] What Kind of Candy Are You?: Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
    Very popular, one of you is not enough.


    free association #19 
    Crystal:: ball
    Pet Peeve:: annoyance
    Cuban:: cigar
    Breasts:: milk
    Whispers:: shadows
    Complicated:: easy
    Promise me:: forever
    Murder:: suspect
    Filament:: particle


    the new $10 bill 

    it's pretty.

    '...the third denomination to be redesigned in the series,of orange, yellow and red along with images of the Statue of Liberty's torch and the words "We the People" from the United States Constitution. The new $10 note will enter circulation in early 2006.'

    the $100 bill is next.

    so it's been a few days 
    absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?

    update at 5:30 pm: i made up for it with lots of posts today.

    Thursday, October 06, 2005

    the best of times, the worst of times 
    there are good days and then there are those incredibly bad days...

    Monday, October 03, 2005

    some stuff i thought about today 
    10 foods you should never eat. uh oh.

    i find it funny that when searching for 'www' on google, the top result is yahoo.

    the word of the day is effulgence.

    the tooth fairy must be mighty rich.

    roberts is in . delay is indicted on money laundering charges following the conspiracy charges.

    and on what i think about this harriet miers nomination? this guy sums it up:
    ... all I need to know about Harriet Miers:

    [Miers] once told me that the president was the most brilliant man she had ever met.
    i miss clinton.

    woo hooo 
    good news. trust me, i'm awesome.

    Saturday, October 01, 2005

    a name you should know 
    saw this story over here: Rodney King Allegedly Threatens Daughter With Toy Gun

    but what really gets me is why adult daughter, ex-girlfriend, and current girlfriend all live in his house with him. there was bound to be trouble.

    and i love the fact that they threw in the word 'allegedly' in the headline. not always the case, but they better when it's a story involving rodney king.

    i asked my criminology class the other day if they knew who he was. these kids are freshman, babies in 1992. some of them said yes. others had 'heard the name.'

    "We cannot be content, no matter how high that general standard of living may be, if some fraction of our people—whether it be one-third or one-fifth or one-tenth—is ill-fed, ill-clothed, ill-housed, and insecure."

          - FDR

    i have been thinking about democrats v. republicans as of late with the controversy surrounding katrina. i have heard and read a lot of people who blame the people in new orleans for the terrible situation they are in. blame them for being poor. i'm not going to go there with this.

    i'm just thinking that the difference between the dems and reps could be as simple as asking this question: do you believe in second chances? it seems that these people who are hating on the poor in the south and blaming them because they chose to be poor. putting all societal factors aside, they could get up and get an awesome job and have an awesome house.

    but perhaps they made an awesome mistake that leads to their current situation. an example: a young woman did not protect herself when she had sex as a teen. she ended up pregnant with no familial support so she had to drop out of high school to take care of the child. with no education she never got a decent job. she has worked hard all of her life and cared for her child [this is not about welfare, let's just say she didn't get any], but has never been able to rise up out of poverty because of one mistake. yes, it's a mistake. but some people in this country believe in second chances. that you should not have to pay for a mistake with your life.

    this, to me, is the difference between these ultra-conservative republicans and us liberal democrats. we care.

    you made it down here?

    what? you want a reward?